Wednesday 29 February 2012

Using Livetype

Today I have experimented using Livetype so I can apply the text over an image within my video. I used an easy to read text and a transparent background so that when I put it into my video production the image was shown and the text on top of this image. However after placing this into my video I wasn't totally convinced by the text as I felt it didn't fit in with the overall concept of my music video.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Using Video Transitions

Today I have used the zoom transistion in my music video production. I used this between two shots of the writing of the lyrics onto paper because I had split this shot so the word 'suicide' stood out more. I think this is of good quality and makes the video more interesting by using a range of effects. To achieve this effect I used the effect-video transistion-3D Simulation-Zoom option and this resulted in the effected which I had visioned.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Adding Effects To My Music Video

These screen prints are of my music video production where I have used all kinds of different effects and tools. For example I have used the crop and zoom tool on the screen print of the letter/writing on a page, in order to frame my image differently on the screen. I did this because I wanted the word 'suicide' to be more eye catching and forfront on the screen as this is a significant part of the lyrics.

I also edited the colour of the image by using the 'filter-video filters-colour correction-desaturate' tool. The reason I did this was because I thought that the black ink on the paper would be better fitting to the lyrics becuase it is a 'dark' line of lyrics and this colour is more of a representation of death than the original red ink would have been.

I also used the modify-speed effect so that the speed that the car travels matches the speed of the music. I did this by cuting the clip into sections, selecting the first part of the clip and increasing the speed to 200 percent, then progressively increasing the speed levels until it reached 800 percent which matched the peak of the musics pace.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Editing Scrabble letters

In todays lesson I continued to edit into my production, the scrabble letters of my lyrics. I placed these in the chorus and have shown these by having the word building up letter by letter. I will do some more editing with these however as the light levels are different between the shots.

Friday 10 February 2012

Editing Filming of Scrabble Letters

Today I have edited in scrabble letters of the lyrics from my song into my music video production. As I had taken photos of these I found it tricky to time the editing and also cutting these to match it to the music and lyrics. However having said this I think these turned out well and look much better than my original way of getting lyrics onto the screen which was with the cards. By taking photos instead of videoing the scrabble letters it meant that all the images are in focus, they are easier to edit and also my hand isn't in the way from when I would have had to build the words up letter by letter.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Filming Scrabble Letters

I have taken photos of a line of lyrics from the chorus of my song track. I took these photos one letter at a time, this then created each word of the lyrics. I then inserted these images into my music video production and linked each of these images to each word within the lyrics. These then appeared one letter at a time building up the whole word in sync with the music.

Friday 3 February 2012

Creating A Music Magazine Advertisement

This is another possible production for a music magazine advertisement for my particular artist. I used the stamp effect on the image of my cast and this allowed me to keep a plain white background which works well with the advertisements theme colour. I kept the rest of the page simple as well. I also used a font for the name of my artist which is similar to the stamp
effect of the image.

Importing Filming Of Lego

I have now imported my images of my Lego lyrics into my production and have added these into the video. I think these look very good because they are vibrant and stand out compared to the rest of my video as most of this is during the night when it is dark. Therefore this adds colour to the video. However I may re-film these shots because at times my lighting is different. When I re-film I could film somebody building the Lego lyrics which may look better as there is more going on instead of the current still images.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Filming Using Lego

Today I made a couple of my lyrics out of Lego and also built a Lego house and two lego people. I had chosen the lyrics "Heart" and "Head" to build from the Lego because they were easy to build and I feel these will stand out lyrics within the track. I used red coloured Lego blocks because this connotes love and passion. The reason I built a small Lego house with two Lego people is because I wanted to illustrate the line of lyrics "Gone to stay with friends in London". As I did not yet have any footage for this part I thought that these shots of a Lego house and people could be a possibility.