Tuesday 19 July 2011

Demographic & Psychographics

The Script are a popular Indie/Pop rock band within younger generations of both genders. I would say the Scripts target audience is 15-30 year olds. This is because the way which they are promoted which is on music channels/Internet and their songs have also featured in TV programmes such as eastenders and waterloo road.

There target audience would most likely dress in casual clothes such as, jeans, chinos and plain t-shirts. They are unlikely to wear sports branded clothes or hoodies but they may however have some interest in sports. They are likely to shop for these type of clothes in burtons, new look, blue inc and internacionale.

The genre of music which the scripts audience listen to is probably pop, rock, indie and poprock. This means they'd listen to a variety of songs in these genres. I think most of these songs would have meaningful lyrics and a video which uses goodwins classification of illustration to portray the emotions of the performers in the video.

Monday 18 July 2011

Research Into Similar Music Videos

I have done some initial research into some similar music videos of the same genre to The Scripts-Talk You Down track. The three videos which I looked at are listed below. I chose each of these videos for different reasons such as the setting of the video, the editing of the video and the camera angles and movement used.
I chose this video to look at because it is from The Script so it is therefore very similar to my idea and also previous music videos from The Script. The locations and mise-en-scene are also extremely a like in their videos.

The main reason for me liking this video is the camera angles and movement. They have used a very wide range which makes the video a lot more interesting than if it was to consist of just limited angles and movement.

This video is of a totally different genre to The Script, however the reason behind me analysing this video is because I like the narrative to the video as it is also about a relationship. I particularly like the way in which there are too moving images on the screen at once. The artist is the main point in the video while he is lip syncing and there is also a moving image of the girl as the backdrop.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Music Video Treatment

Artist name: The Script
Track name: Talk You Down
Album: The Script
Directors name: Liam Copeland
Record label: Sony

This song begins with quite a slow beat and a constant tune which I think I will use longer cuts in this part and with some close up shots of the performers. The song then begins to pick up pace and the tune becomes louder so it isn't in the background as much however the music becomes quieter during the verses for the lyrics to take priority. For these verses I would like to use a little bit faster cuts and use mid shots/long shots to show the couples argument and break up. I want to illustrate the lyrics with the on screen visuals by following a narrative and the performers

As the majority of The Scripts videos are set in an urbanized location I will aim keep the location very similar by setting it in a built up town area. When the performers are on screen I will set this in an inside seen in a house, most likely a kitchen. This is too show they live together which indicates they had a strong relationship. I will then move to an outside seen when one of the performers leaves.

I want to be able to use a selection of different camera shots, camera angles and camera movements and I think after the first few verses the song will allow me to do this. Towards the beginning of the song I plan to use plenty of close ups of the performers faces and tight shots as to how the audience the feelings and emotions of the performers regarding the situation. Further into the song I will use more shots with camera movement as well as performer movement. I will use these shots when a performer is chasing after another performer and also when they go separate ways. This shot is likely to be a tracking shots especially when they are walking.

The editing is going to be very slow in the first few verses as it is about a break up and the emotions are very sad from both performers/characters. However the editing will then speed up when one of the performers is chasing after the other when they leave with their suitcase as they don't plan to come back. I will do this to show that this performer is in a rush to prevent the other performer, who is likely to be female from leaving and getting to far away.

As The Scripts genre of music is mainly indie/pop I want the costumes for the performers to be fashionable and trendy. However these clothes must reflect the kind of people who would listen to this genre of music. So therefore they would not be wearing tracksuit bottoms or sports clothing. They are more likely to wear jeans/leggings and a plan top(without logos). The characters would need to be dressed appropriately for the time as it is 3 AM in the morning during a part of the song so they wouldn't be wearing shorts.

I want my music video to represent Goodwins idea of illustration because the track 'Talk You Down' is about love and a break up and therefore I think the lyrics will be easy to follow with strong a narrative story. I will also have to include a section of lip syncing in my video.

I will relate back to lyrics throughout my video when constructing it as they paint a clear picture of what is going on. I will probably use the same clip for the chorus and would maybe lip sync these lyrics. I want to illustrate most of the lines in the lyrics and this should be doable. For example there are lyrics about a suitcase, cigarettes and also taking short cuts through alleys. I believe I will be able to illustrate these lyrics really well.

Overall I plan to keep the camera shots quite tight at the beginning of the video and alter these as the music picks up pace as the track goes on. My performers will be dressed is fashionable clothing. The location will also be very contemporary and urbanized as this will fit in with the Scripts other music video.