Monday 18 July 2011

Research Into Similar Music Videos

I have done some initial research into some similar music videos of the same genre to The Scripts-Talk You Down track. The three videos which I looked at are listed below. I chose each of these videos for different reasons such as the setting of the video, the editing of the video and the camera angles and movement used.
I chose this video to look at because it is from The Script so it is therefore very similar to my idea and also previous music videos from The Script. The locations and mise-en-scene are also extremely a like in their videos.

The main reason for me liking this video is the camera angles and movement. They have used a very wide range which makes the video a lot more interesting than if it was to consist of just limited angles and movement.

This video is of a totally different genre to The Script, however the reason behind me analysing this video is because I like the narrative to the video as it is also about a relationship. I particularly like the way in which there are too moving images on the screen at once. The artist is the main point in the video while he is lip syncing and there is also a moving image of the girl as the backdrop.

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