Saturday 29 October 2011

Filming At The Train Station

I have filmed another three shots for my music video. I did this as I had planned to go out near where some of my locations for the video are. I filmed at Kettering train station and town centre. I had one long shot of my female performer walking away from the camera from the males point of view. I also filmed a shot of a train going past the station and also the information/timing boards at the train station.

Thursday 20 October 2011

My First Session of Filming

Yesterday I began to film the aspects of my music video which involve filming from a persons perspective inside a car and also from outside the car. The filming was very successful and I may even use some clips in my final production. I didn't use any additional lighting as the light levels were already good as I filmed in town and in a very urban housing estate.

This is just a shortened clip of the type of shots I filmed. I used a point of view shot throughout which ties in with my music video treatment. The shots involve a lot of movement as the camera was inside the car. Outside the car I filmed as if it was from a on-lookers prospective and I also used a tracking, arc shot here.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Starting My Filming

On the wednesday of this week I am going to take a camera out and practice filming as I did not do much work with the camera during the AS Level because I was actually in the horror opening. The reason for me getting the camera out will be to see if I need additional lighting for when I film as it is mainly going to be done on late evenings and nights. This will allow me to see if additional lighting is needed and will give me the time to get this ready for filming properly.

For this filming I will need a car so I have arranged a day and time with my friend who is going to do the driving whilst I operate the camera.

Friday 14 October 2011

Analysing Music Videos

After watching these videos I have noticed that during the opening scenes and also slower parts of the song there is a lot of tight close up shots used on the artists face, feet and hands. As the songs progress a range of camera shots, angles and movements are used such as establishing shots, low angle shots, mid shots, tracking shots. Along with the type of camera shots, angles and movements changing during the video the pace of the song and also the speed of the editing cuts also picks up, and this will also relate to my video as there is a clear indication in the change of speed of the beat of the music. The locations which the videos are filmed at is always very urbanised with the setting being at shops, housing estates or recreational areas.

I will use many of these techniques during the construction and editing of my video especially in terms of the types of camera shots and the speed of editing cuts. My music video could look very similar to these existing videos due to the music track because it starts of with a slow pace before speeding up. The track also has a good background beat to it which is consistent throughout so I could use the beat to my advantage by having my editing cuts on the beat so they are more effective because they will be noticed by both the eyes and ears as the cuts and beats will come across as visual and audio.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Review of My Blog Posts

In todays lesson I looked back through all of my posts to see if I could make any improvements to my work. I also altered some of my posts titles to make them more clear for what the post is about. I also completed a peer assement with a partner for their blog and they did the same for mine. This was a very heplful task as it should me what I needed to do to get a higher grade and what parts of my work I should add more too. It also helped as I was able to look at somebody else's blog and compare it to mine.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Ancillary Task-Magazine Advertisement

12th October

11th October

I have researched potential music magazines which The Script could be in. I found one magazine which The Script have been on the front cover for and this was "HotPress" which is an Irish based magazine but isn't that well known in the UK.

From my research I have concluded that the magazine which The Script are most likely to be in is NME (New Musical Express). I looked at the audience and institution of the magazine to come to this conclusion. This magazine has a range of artists who advertise their album and merchandise in. The artists are from many genres such as pop-rock, indie and pop. The script have not yet featured in NME magazine however they could do as this is suitable to the groups genre.

Official Website:

4th October
In todays lesson I looked at a music magazine called The Source. I worked with a partner to produce a detailed powerpoint presentation for the magazine. We looked at the institution, audience and also complied a textual analysis for the front cover of the magazine.

I learnt that the magazine is based in the united States and is features atists from the genres of hip-hop and rap.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Analysing Lyrics

I have analysed my lyrics to the song "Talk You Down" by The Script. I did this noting down my ideas and by looking at my shot list as this helped a lot with the range of ideas I came up with.