Friday 14 October 2011

Analysing Music Videos

After watching these videos I have noticed that during the opening scenes and also slower parts of the song there is a lot of tight close up shots used on the artists face, feet and hands. As the songs progress a range of camera shots, angles and movements are used such as establishing shots, low angle shots, mid shots, tracking shots. Along with the type of camera shots, angles and movements changing during the video the pace of the song and also the speed of the editing cuts also picks up, and this will also relate to my video as there is a clear indication in the change of speed of the beat of the music. The locations which the videos are filmed at is always very urbanised with the setting being at shops, housing estates or recreational areas.

I will use many of these techniques during the construction and editing of my video especially in terms of the types of camera shots and the speed of editing cuts. My music video could look very similar to these existing videos due to the music track because it starts of with a slow pace before speeding up. The track also has a good background beat to it which is consistent throughout so I could use the beat to my advantage by having my editing cuts on the beat so they are more effective because they will be noticed by both the eyes and ears as the cuts and beats will come across as visual and audio.

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