Thursday 5 January 2012

Completing My CD Digipak

I have been working on my CD Digipak for my artist which is The Script. I used a range of effects and filters on my images such as poster edges and greyscale. I did this to give the Digipak a more professional look. I used the picture of the Cube in Corby on the front cover, a picture of a set of bollards and also a picture of my cast as The Script.

I aimed to create a 'billboard advertisement' like effect on the front cover. I did this by altering the image of the Cube by desaturating the image so it turn into a black and white image. This made the window on the image turn white, which meant I had a plain background to work on. I then used an image of my cast which I took against a white wall so I could then easily edit this onto the image of the Cubes' window. I added a pixel effect to the image of my cast which made the bottom half of the image pixelated. I then added a text layer onto this image to make it look like a billboard advertisement and I also added a text layer at the top of the front cover in bold white text so it was eye-catching against the darker background.

I used the image of the set of bollards on the back cover because it has a good depth of field to the image as the bollards run from the foreground into the background. I also like the bold blocks of colours on the wall in the background.

I decided for the inside cover I'd have one image of my cast stretched across both inside covers and I also included the groups name in a signature like font on the right cover. The CD tray will also be on the right of the inside too. I used the poster edges effect on the inside image so it almost gave a stamped effect of my cast.

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