Thursday 26 January 2012

Feedback On My Music Video Construction

I have gained feedback on my music video production for Talk You Down. I showed my video to a group of people who could all be a target audience due age. In general the overall feedback was very good with the group commenting on how the video matches/cuts to the beat, the video goes from still images to moving images when the pace of the song picks up and also the video transistions work very well as they correspond with the music and beats. On the other hand the group didn't like the lyrics on the cards as they felt these looked amateurish because they could also see the person holding them. However they did like the lyrics on the card footage due to the movement of the camera. This was because the lyric 'Maybe I Can Talk You' was on one line and the lyric 'Down' was underneath so I use a pan and tilt movement to reveal the word down.

I have taken these comments on-board and I have thought a few alternatives for showing the lyrics visually on the screen. I am going to use letters from a scrabble and I could also use alphabetic fridge magnets. Another option is to write the text on a white board. To do any of these alternative ideas I would take a photo of each letter and keep the framing of the shot exactly the same throughout and then edit these together in Final Cut Express to give me the whole word/lyrics.

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