Thursday 29 March 2012

Beginning My Evaluation

I have began my Media Studies evaluation where I will look at my Music Video, CD Digipak and Music Magazine Advertisement. I will evaluate my research and planning, construction and feedback on all three of these tasks.

I have planned to do question 1 as a blog post where I will talk about the three tasks and use images from my video and existing videos to support my evaluation along with videos and other types of media where possible.

For question two I will produce as a prezzi presentation. I will also keep this media rich and try to keep the text to a minimum by only including key points.

I have decided that a movie will be suitable for questions 3 & 4. I should find this simple as I have used Final Cup Express a lot recently. I will include images of my video, CD Digipak and music magazine advertisement and may even include video in these.

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