Friday 24 June 2011

Audience Research Questionnaire

1) What gender are you?
Male Female

2) What age group are you in?
13-19 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+

3)Do watch music videos? Yes No

4) How do you watch music videos?
Internet Music channels iPod Phone

5) How often do you watch music videos?
Everyday 3 to 5 times a week Once or twice a week Less than once a week Once a month

6) Do you prefer humorous music videos or music videos with a meaning?
Humorous With meaning

7) What is you favourite genre of music?
Dance R&B Hip-Hop Pop Rock IndieOther ..............................................

8) Do you prefer dance videos or videos which tell a story throughout?
Dance routine Narrative story Don’t know

9) What do you like a music video to contain? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

10) Do you like music videos which have special effects/edits? Yes No Don’t know

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