Tuesday 7 June 2011

Evaluation of My Performance During AS

Throughout the AS course l think my contribution to my group’s foundation portfolio was effective and helpful because made it easier for the other member in my group. I think I managed to work successfully in my group whilst also working individually.
Research and planning- I believe my research and planning was good quality and this made it easier for us throughout the course because we had a wider knowledge of horror films from this.
Construction- During the construction of our horror film my weakness was that I didn’t use the camera as much as my other group member because I did more acting however I think this is simple and I will be able to overcome this for a2. My strengths are with using the Macs and the software on these such as live type and garage band as I done a lot of editing.
Evaluation- I think my skills in this part of the course were the weakest as my English skills are not great. However I completed three of the seven questions on my own whilst my partner in the group done three as well and completed the final one together. We had all of these completed in time although it was tight. I would defiantly try to complete other tasks earlier to allow myself more time in the future.

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