Wednesday 15 June 2011

Brief Textual Analysis of a Music Video

1. Name of artist?
Bruno Mars

2. Title of song?
Lazy Song

3. Date of release?
17th May 2011

4. Director of video?

5. What genre of music does this song fall into?

6. Is there a relationship between the lyrics and the song?
The visuals illistrate the lyrics throughout out the song. An example of this is when a phone is mentioned in the lyrics the dancers/performers use there hand to represent a phone. Also the hand is used to represent a hair brush when the lyrics mention not combing your hair.

7. Is there a relationship between the music and the visuals?
There is a relationship between the music and the visuals when a whistle is used where there is no lyrics the performers heads keep rising as the whistle gets higher in pitch.

8. What is the importance of the artist in the visuals?
The artist is always kept in the centre of the screen to show his significance to the video. The artist is being sold as a relaxed character who is portrayed as being lazy at home in his day to day life. This video represents a change to previous videos from this artist as this one is set out as if it is filmed on a webcam or a set camera and is only at one location whereas previous videos have consisted of movement of the camera, different angles and different shots unlike this one.

9. Is there any voyeurism in the video?
Not really however there is one set of lyrics talking about his sex life.

10. Does the video have any intertextuality?

11. What is the mixture in the video between the performance and the narrative?
There is a very good mixture betweeen these two which lasts throughout the video as the performance does not stop and there is constantly a story being told too.

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