Thursday 29 September 2011

Shot List

Shot 1: Extreme close up of girls face, making runing down her cheeks.

Shot 2: Close up of boy grabbing girls arm as she slips from his grasp.

Shot 3: Long shot of girl leaving the house with a suitcase.

Shot 4: Close up of a clock which says 3 am, from boys point of view.

Shot 5: Mid shot of girl walking down the street.

Shot 6: Close up of sign post for London.

Shot 7: Cuts back to the boy in the house watching a cigarette burn away.

Shot 8: Boys point of view shot from within the car, driving down the street.

Shot 9: Lip syncing of chorus.

Shot 10: Text on the screen for the lyric "Down", which moves in a vertically towards the ground.

Shot 11: Close up shot of feet, standing on the edge of a curb.

Shot 12: Shot of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 13: Shot of females head.

Shot 14: Extreme close up of girls eyes opening.

Shot 15: Shot of girl walking.

Shot 16: Long shot of boy walking.

Shot 17: Close up shot of girl walking through alleys.

Shot 18: Long shot of boy in car going past. Tracking shot.

Shot 19: Close up of clock, time speeding up.

Shot 20: Cuts back to boy watching a cigarette burn away.

Shot 21: Point of view shot from inside the car.

Shot 22: Lip syning of chorus, extreme close up shot.

Shot 23: Text on screen of the wlyric "Down", which moves vertically towards the ground.

Shot 24: Boy and girl standing on the edge of a pavement on the curb, mid shot.

Shot 25: Image of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 26: Close up of the girls head.

Shot 27: Extreme close up of girls eyes opening, high angle.

Shot 28: Mid shot of girl walking away.

Shot 29: Point of view shot from the boy, as he follows the girl.

Shot 30: Lip syncing close up with low angle shot.

Shot 31: Two shot of the couple standing on the edge of the pavement.

Shot 32; High angle shot of heart shaped ornament.

Shot 33: Close up, arc shot of girls head.

Shot 34: Cuts back to the cigarette burning away.

Shot 35: Boys point of view shot from inside the car.

Shot 36: Shot of boy in car driving down the street.

Shot 37: Text of the chorus on the screen of the lyrics "Maybe I can Talk You Down".

Shot 38: Long shot, tracking shot of the car turning in the road.

Shot 39: Mid shot with zoom on the girl as she turns slightly.

Shot 40: Boys point of view shot standing on the edge of the pavement with girl.

Shot 41: Lip syncing.

Shot 42: Long shot of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 43: Close up of girls head with tilt movement.

Shot 44: Extreme close up of girls eyes.

Shot 45: Lip syncing.

Filming Schedule

This is a filming schedule which will help me manage my time during filming. This will allow me to plan in advance for my locations and cast and also encase I need any props during the shoot. By creating the schedule I am also unlikely to miss or forget any filming of scenes.

Monday 26 September 2011

Lip Syncing

Track: Aloe Black-I need a dollar

By practising lip syncing it has shown me how difficult it is to make this look realistic. Editing is also difficult when dealing with lip syncing as the footage must match the audio dead on, however I feel I have done a good job with editing this clip. This has made me realise how bad lip syncing could look in my music video if it isn't done right, but it can also have a very professional look when done correctly.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


I have created an animatic movie from my storyboard pictures to give me an idea of what my music video is going to look like. This has helped me to recognise that I could do with some more movement of both camera and performers in the music video.

I am unable to upload the animatic as I am having problems with the machines when converting the movie.

Monday 12 September 2011


I have now moved on to considering costume and props. I am considering dressing the female character in multiple outfits throughout the video to show a passage of time through the relationship. The girl will be dressed in jeans or leggings and a fashionable top and maybe a cardigan at different stages in the video.

I will dress the female character like this because this represents what the niche audience who listen to The Script wear. This type of audience would listen to similar artists under the genres of pop, indie and pop-rock. These type of clothes which I will dress the female will represent her fashionable and stylish personality to show that she is very conscious of how she looks when out.
The male who is the artist will be dress in t-shirt and jeans or chinos. The t-shirts will be plain with no logos on them to show that the personality of this person isn't to sporty and to show that the characters style isn't influence by brands.

The props that will be in my music video is a clock for the part of the lyrics which is relevant and there will also be an ash tray and a cigarette during the opening verse and also maybe later on in the video too. I will also use a suitcase when the female leaves which is also used in the first verse. This prop is also used later on too when the female returns towards the end of the track.

Potential Casting for Talk you Down

I will need female character for my music video and I may also need a male caharacter to play the artist Danny O'Donoghue which is dependant on wether I include lip syncronisation or not. However because The Script are a three piece band I will need another two males so I can produce the CD Digipak and also the Music Magazine advertisement.

The people I have decided to cast:

Sunil Singh - as Danny O'Donoghue

Matthew Earl - as Mark Sheehan

Liam Copeland - as Glen Power

Stephanie Smith - as main girl


  • Calm

  • Friendly

  • Outgoing

  • Idependant

I have decided to cast these people because they are within the target audience age range of 15-30, so they will appeal to the audience as they should be similar when it comes to personality and clothing. Another reason for me choosing these people as cast members is because I am very close friends with them and spend a lot of time with them. This will make it easier for me to arrange filming as they will be easy to contact and also I will be able to spend long periods of time with them.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Potential Locations for Talk You Down

I have mutiple locations for my music video which consists of inside and outside locations. The reason I want to have both inside and outside locations is because I want to show a passage in time of at least a few days from the beginning to the end of the music video. My locations will be very urbanised so the setting is similar to other music videos from The Script. The inside locations will be very modern and stylish to show that the characters are young.
I will need a public footpath within a town/city on a housing estate or shopping area, I will need the inside of a car for part of the song, I will also need a household environment for the opening verse preferably a kitchen. I will use the inside of the car for the chorus and am considering using the car for other parts of the song. I will also use other locations in my video as well at different stages these are mainly going to be outside locations around town and housing areas. The reason behind my choice of locations is with the areas I have shortlisted, they are all well lit areas even during evening and night hours which is when some of my filming will take place.

Friday 2 September 2011

Taking Photos of Locations

Last lesson I went into town to take photos of my outdoor locations. I found a clean urban area which is a wide open space which would be good to maybe use for the lip syncing in my video. I also took pictures of a building of flats and shops which would be useful when one of the characters is walking as this could be used as the background to show the audience the video is set in an urban area. I will upload my images shortly to the locations post I have.

My reasoning behind choosing these locations for which I will my music video will be set, is they are similar to settings which The Script have used in their other videos and also the locations reflect a lively, town life surrounding/atmosphere which is associated young adults or students such like the people I have chose to cast.