Sunday 4 September 2011

Potential Locations for Talk You Down

I have mutiple locations for my music video which consists of inside and outside locations. The reason I want to have both inside and outside locations is because I want to show a passage in time of at least a few days from the beginning to the end of the music video. My locations will be very urbanised so the setting is similar to other music videos from The Script. The inside locations will be very modern and stylish to show that the characters are young.
I will need a public footpath within a town/city on a housing estate or shopping area, I will need the inside of a car for part of the song, I will also need a household environment for the opening verse preferably a kitchen. I will use the inside of the car for the chorus and am considering using the car for other parts of the song. I will also use other locations in my video as well at different stages these are mainly going to be outside locations around town and housing areas. The reason behind my choice of locations is with the areas I have shortlisted, they are all well lit areas even during evening and night hours which is when some of my filming will take place.

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