Thursday 29 September 2011

Shot List

Shot 1: Extreme close up of girls face, making runing down her cheeks.

Shot 2: Close up of boy grabbing girls arm as she slips from his grasp.

Shot 3: Long shot of girl leaving the house with a suitcase.

Shot 4: Close up of a clock which says 3 am, from boys point of view.

Shot 5: Mid shot of girl walking down the street.

Shot 6: Close up of sign post for London.

Shot 7: Cuts back to the boy in the house watching a cigarette burn away.

Shot 8: Boys point of view shot from within the car, driving down the street.

Shot 9: Lip syncing of chorus.

Shot 10: Text on the screen for the lyric "Down", which moves in a vertically towards the ground.

Shot 11: Close up shot of feet, standing on the edge of a curb.

Shot 12: Shot of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 13: Shot of females head.

Shot 14: Extreme close up of girls eyes opening.

Shot 15: Shot of girl walking.

Shot 16: Long shot of boy walking.

Shot 17: Close up shot of girl walking through alleys.

Shot 18: Long shot of boy in car going past. Tracking shot.

Shot 19: Close up of clock, time speeding up.

Shot 20: Cuts back to boy watching a cigarette burn away.

Shot 21: Point of view shot from inside the car.

Shot 22: Lip syning of chorus, extreme close up shot.

Shot 23: Text on screen of the wlyric "Down", which moves vertically towards the ground.

Shot 24: Boy and girl standing on the edge of a pavement on the curb, mid shot.

Shot 25: Image of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 26: Close up of the girls head.

Shot 27: Extreme close up of girls eyes opening, high angle.

Shot 28: Mid shot of girl walking away.

Shot 29: Point of view shot from the boy, as he follows the girl.

Shot 30: Lip syncing close up with low angle shot.

Shot 31: Two shot of the couple standing on the edge of the pavement.

Shot 32; High angle shot of heart shaped ornament.

Shot 33: Close up, arc shot of girls head.

Shot 34: Cuts back to the cigarette burning away.

Shot 35: Boys point of view shot from inside the car.

Shot 36: Shot of boy in car driving down the street.

Shot 37: Text of the chorus on the screen of the lyrics "Maybe I can Talk You Down".

Shot 38: Long shot, tracking shot of the car turning in the road.

Shot 39: Mid shot with zoom on the girl as she turns slightly.

Shot 40: Boys point of view shot standing on the edge of the pavement with girl.

Shot 41: Lip syncing.

Shot 42: Long shot of a heart shaped ornament.

Shot 43: Close up of girls head with tilt movement.

Shot 44: Extreme close up of girls eyes.

Shot 45: Lip syncing.

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