Monday 12 September 2011

Potential Casting for Talk you Down

I will need female character for my music video and I may also need a male caharacter to play the artist Danny O'Donoghue which is dependant on wether I include lip syncronisation or not. However because The Script are a three piece band I will need another two males so I can produce the CD Digipak and also the Music Magazine advertisement.

The people I have decided to cast:

Sunil Singh - as Danny O'Donoghue

Matthew Earl - as Mark Sheehan

Liam Copeland - as Glen Power

Stephanie Smith - as main girl


  • Calm

  • Friendly

  • Outgoing

  • Idependant

I have decided to cast these people because they are within the target audience age range of 15-30, so they will appeal to the audience as they should be similar when it comes to personality and clothing. Another reason for me choosing these people as cast members is because I am very close friends with them and spend a lot of time with them. This will make it easier for me to arrange filming as they will be easy to contact and also I will be able to spend long periods of time with them.

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