Thursday 17 November 2011

Learning To Use Adobe Photoshop Elements

In todays lesson Mrs Craddock came into to assist us in using photoshop elements. We concentrated on portrait pictures of our chosen artist and then edited them. We did this by using a selection of cutting tools such as magic wizard tool, lasso tool and the magnetic lasso tool. I then added a background image to the page to create a setting/atmosphere. I made the image look realistic along with the background by blurring the portrait and also by enhancing colour and light light levels. The portrait looked very clear with no rough edges as I used the eraser tool to smooth these out.

Original Image Altered Image

1 comment:

  1. Can you post some images of the work you have been practising on to your blog Liam? This will help to illustrate what you have been doing for the examiner. Remember that you have to use digital technology to it's fullest in your bblog and this is one way of doing this.
