Friday 9 December 2011

Producing More CD Digipaks

These are a range of CD Digipak ideas which I have produced for both the inside and outside covers. I will use some of these images which I like such as the bottom image of the cast for a front cover however I may use this image on an inside cover. I also like the second from top idea because I like the way which I have edited the image and it looks simple as it is black and white. However I do not like the idea which is third from the top. My reason for this is I think the image doesn't portray the right message for they style of music, and the two covers do not really go well together. However I did get the image of the cube from the internet so I will be able to judge the photo better when it is my own.

1 comment:

  1. I like the image where the band members appear on a wall almost in the style of the grafitti artist Banksy.
